Welcome to our 1st ORDS ReproHack

Please sign in on the Hackpad: https://tinyurl.com/ORDS-ReproHack
It contains all event information and links to materials.
Welcome from the whole ReproHack team: Frank, Anja, Max and Manu and TKFDM: Jessica, Kevin and Roman

Who we are
How we start today
9:30 - Opening and virtual come together
- Introduction ORDS
- Icebreaker
- Introduction TKFDM
- Our ORDS-ReproHack variety
- The today’s scientific article
- Selection of teams
Who is ORDS?
We are a scientific network at the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock.
We want to bundle regional expertise in the fields of data analysis and statistics with open and reproducible science in the Rostock-science-region.
We focus on the exchange of expertise between doctoral candidates and postdocs and all other interested scientists.

Icebreaker - Your turn
Break-out rooms (7 mins)
As a group: name your room!
Who is TKFDM?

ReproHack objectives
- Practical Experience in Reproducibility
- Feedback to Authors
- Networking and promoting open and reproducible data science
Event governed by ReproHack Code of Conduct bit.ly/reprohack-coc
Today’s ORDS-ReproHack
- We chose only one scientific article by Luis M. Vilches-Blázquez & Daniela Ballari.
- You can either join the teams Beginners, Advanced, or Experts (or work individually)

Welcome to our 1st ORDS ReproHack
Please sign in on the Hackpad: https://tinyurl.com/ORDS-ReproHack
It contains all event information and links to materials.
Welcome from the whole ReproHack team: Frank, Anja, Max and Manu and TKFDM: Jessica, Kevin and Roman
Who we are
ORDS-team in the Rostock-science-region
Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management
How we start today
9:30 - Opening and virtual come together
Who is ORDS?
Icebreaker - Your turn
Break-out rooms (7 mins)
As a group: name your room!
Who is TKFDM?
ReproHack objectives
Event governed by ReproHack Code of Conduct bit.ly/reprohack-coc
Today’s ORDS-ReproHack