My name is Anja and I am a scientist working in data-driven environmental science. I am a marine scientist by training but moved more and more into numerical modelling, data science and statistics. I am an advocate of reproducible and open science and consider science communication to be important.

I am also a political person, scientist for future and member of Bündnis90/Die Grünen.

This webpage is bilingual – science is english, politics is german.

My science topics

  • Statistical (big) data analysis using R
  • Numerical modelling of marine ecosystems
  • Open and reproducible data science and statistics

Bündnisgrüne Politik

  • Mitglied im Landesvorstand von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, MV
  • Mitglied im Vorstand des Kreisverbandes Rostock
  • Sprecherin LAG Wissenschaft, Hochschule und Technologie, MV
  • Stellv. Sprecherin LAG Energie und Klima, MV